Science for the Unscientific Mind

My Qualifications and Accomplishments

In the introduction, I indicated I am a retired chemist. Way back -yes as long ago as the 20th Century- I attended Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, attaining my Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry.  Later, I elected to take graduate courses at the University of Virginia through their Citizen Scholar Program. Although I could not devote my full time to attaining a doctorate (as was the requirement), it was the course material I was primarily interested in anyway, so I took as many graduate organic and quantum chemistry courses as I could over a period of time. I have a fairly strong background in mathematics, as well, and enjoy other branches of science, such as physics and biology.

My life's employment has primarily been with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, where I developed processes for electroplating and electroforming microwave electronics devices applicable to radio telescopy. I was fortunate enough to have been given a small role in the extended Voyager 2 project. Exceptionally weak signals broadcast from the spacecraft required state-of-the-art receivers.  After twenty-three years employment with NRAO, I took early retirement and became Operator-in-Responsible-Charge at the local sewer plant, after obtaining the requisite certifications.  It was then I became a freelance writer, and took joy in putting to the electronic page the things I'd learned and deduced.

My writing experience has made me rethink how I look at life. I take interest in everything that goes on and occasionally have been known to badger people with questions.  I enjoy researching a topic to learn new things, or additional information about familiar things.  I've found delight not only in writing scientific, but other pieces, and now I'm taking delight in limited editorial work at Bright Hub, an excellent location for those who enjoy technical writing.

As for my work, I hope you will find at least some of it not unbearable.